Okay, AI, You’re Good At Removing Backgrounds From Images
Product Name: Remove Bg | Payment Type: Subscription
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The Good Bad Ugly here with a hands-on impression of the subscription-based service, Remove Bg. This new web-based platform promises to remove the background from any image you provide using AI’s power.
Are you nice and cozy? Good, let us dive in.
Singing up to Remove Bg is relatively easy. Once you’ve created your profile and logged in, you’re greeted by a simple screen prompting you to upload your image.
So naturally, I scoured the internet to find some images to put to the test. In looking for images, I purposely sought photos ranging from low quality to very busy backgrounds.
Starting with the first image of a woman talking on a public phone (who remembers those things) in what looks to be the late 70’s or 80’s, Remove Bg did a good job removing the image from the background.
It appears that their AI can recognize people and objects that are the center focus of an image. This feature is handy as it takes the guesswork out of choosing what part of the image to preserve.
Speaking of removing things, once the background of an image is removed, it does not destroy the image. So you can fine-tune the parts of an image you want to remove entirely or restore. And you can do this by painting what you want to save or remove from the photo.
In addition to removing the background, you can replace the removed parts of an image with stock art or colors available from the service. The selection isn’t anything to write home about, but hey, at least it’s there if you need something quick.
Of course, nothing is perfect. While I have some minor gripes, they are okay and could be improved with future updates. First, the UI viewport size needs to be bigger for photography.
Due to the small viewport size, you must constantly hit the zoom-in and out buttons when fine-tuning an image, which quickly becomes annoying.
My other minor gripe is how much the images are “feathered” around their edges once removed. Feathering is how soft or blurry a subject’s edges appear once removed from the background. This effect is applied to help the image blend in with whatever new background you place it on, but it can often produce a ghosting effect.
It would be great in a future update to allow control over how much feathering is applied to an image once it has been removed from the background.
Remove Bg is very promising, and the initial results are pretty satisfying. Outside of my minor gripes, this is a better, more straightforward AI tool that does its one job well. RemoveBG could be a solid addition to your tool kit if you are in the photo editing business.